Kutch Pre wedding shoot – Harsh & Avani

Harsh & Avni Have an amazing story! They met in Mumbai through Harsh’s cousin, went to imagica, got to know each other there, and stayed in contact after that, Then the talks turned into daily talks, and they started thinking seriously of each other This was April 2018. Since then they are been in a relationship ever since! So capturing their love story and their time before their wedding was very special to both of them. They both want their Intimate Moments captured in someplace where it resembles their love of travel and adventure. Roadtrips and Cozy cuddle. I have decided to give them their taste with Kutch. Many things to explore plus a road trip !

Before their pre wedding shoot, They already told me they watched some cheezy pre wedding videos and they wanted some different from me, As a result, It was so natural moments that we were able to depict the whole experience flawlessly. I

We started their pre wedding shoot in Khari River. Beautiful place with natural rock-formings. Then after Vijay villas palace, A Heritage feels within it is very awesome with their theme. at last in the evening we go to the Beach, Breezing wind, Blue sea We captured some Romantic intimate moments withing Golden hour ! That was so perfect! We explored some other unexplored places as well.

Photography & Film: Bhargav Bhatt, Varun Bhatt

Location: Vijay Vilas Palace, Mandvi Beach, Khari River, Jadura Hills